What does it mean to be an Ebico customer?

We are dedicated to fighting fuel poverty and we can do so only with the help of our customers. Fuel poverty is a silent and invisible problem that is rarely spoken about, but seriously affects 3.4 million households in Britain.
People like Dez, Beat the Cold client.
“I was so conscious about the amount of money that I was spending on heating and electricity that I would literally shut everything off. Even though it was cold, it was just a case of wrap myself up and keep as warm as I possibly could.â€
Dez and his family’s lives were improved vastly by the Beat the Cold team, funded by Ebico Trust.
“The information provided to us by Rosie and the Beat the Cold team was absolutely brilliant. And all of us felt, for the first time, that we really could save a little bit of money on our bills.â€
Eve is another Beat the Cold client.
“Your heating is your main bill. You are using it but you are not paying for it straight away so you have a big shock when you receive your bill. Every time a bill came I was so frightened, and I would be thinking to myself: ‘How am I going to pay this?’. So you just say to yourself, ‘Well, I’ll just switch the heating off’. And when you are poorly you haven’t got time to look at different tariffs to see if you can get a better deal. You’re just trying to stay well.â€
Eve’s life was also transformed by a visit from the Beat the Cold team.
“I didn’t realise I was entitled to the warm home discount, which gives me £140 off my electricity. It was only when Rosie visited me that I was made aware of it. I don’t think I would be as well as I am now if I hadn’t had the help of Beat the Cold.â€
Dez and Eve represent just two of the 2 million households in the UK currently in fuel poverty. Put simply that means they can’t afford the energy they need to adequately heat their homes, cook their meals, do their laundry or wash their clothes.
Since it was set up in 2009 the Ebico Trust has invested more than £1.4m in supporting projects to combat fuel poverty in Britain. And when you buy your energy from Ebico you will be supporting it to do even more.
Apart from fighting fuel poverty, society also faces the huge problem of climate change. This is why our electricity is 100% green. The energy that we buy is certified as coming from an existing UK based wind and solar generators and we’re now continuously looking for opportunities to support new green generation schemes in the UK.
So when you buy your energy from Ebico, the power is, quite literally, in your hands to make a positive impact – twice over.
Because not only is the energy you buy from Ebico 100% green, but, our profits go to the Ebico Trust, to fight fuel poverty head on.
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