Affordable and sustainable warmth for all

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Ebico Living & Rebel Energy formed a new white label partnership
Ebico and Rebel Energy today announced a new strategic energy partnership that will make sustainable home warmth cheaper for all. As part of the partnership, Ebico, the UK’s first not-for-profit energy company, will retail its energy plans through its domestic energy retail brand Ebico Living, while the rapidly growing energy supply pioneer, Rebel Energy, will […]
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The Ebico Affordable Warmth Incubator Programme up and running
The Ebico Trust has partnered with Sustainable Pioneers, CIC, who are part of the Sustainable Ventures group, the UK’s leading cleantech hub, on a mission to develop solutions for sustainable, affordable home warmth. Jointly they have launched an entrepreneurial innovation programme, The Ebico Affordable Warmth Incubator, to elicit, support and develop high-potential, sustainable solutions for […]
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